Dan News Interviews Newstalk ZB’s ‘The Two’ – How The Show Became Such A Success

Newstalk ZB’s The Two.

UPDATE APRIL 2014: Radio ratings in New Zealand only come out twice a year and we are very humbled to say The Two remains the nation’s #1 rated radio show on both Friday and Sunday evenings. Our Sunday show has gone up 5.4 percentage points in Auckland to have 17.3% of the potential listening audience, while nationwide the show increased 4.2 percentage points to have 21.5% of the potential listening audience. Pam and I love working together and the fact others appreciate what we do is never taken for granted – many thanks.

Here is the link to the latest Dan News podcast, this one an interview with me and Pam Corkery – otherwise known as Newstalk ZB’s The Two*. Media commentator Dan News has from the get go been one of the biggest supporters of our show and it’s slightly embarrassing to say it was not remotely taxing for us to answer questions about ourselves.

Have a listen to the interview to hear how and why a talk radio radio show between one of New Zealand’s most acclaimed and successful broadcasters (Pam) was created with a former music radio director and host (me) 25 years her junior.

Beyond that you’ll hear how I interviewed Pam about her Intrepid Travel adventure to Columbia a couple of years before we became co-hosts and friends when I was anchoring the Easy Mix Breakfast with Alison Leonard. Pam and I also explain the ethos of The Two: the balance between the things that matter the most with the silliness we all need. And there are examples of our bloopers and interactions with some of our more off-beat callers.

Thanks as always for being a part of The Two, it’s forever humbling to meet people who listen and enjoy our shows.

Click here to link to the Dan News podcast of The Two.

*Listen to The Two every Friday (8pm-midnight) and Sunday (8pm-11pm) on New Zealand’s number one rated radio station, Newstalk ZB.

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