Barry Gibb. Originally published this time in 2015, as fans countdown to the release of Barry Gibb’s first album project since 2005’s Guilty Pleasures collaboration with Barbra Streisand, here’s the article again: Sandwiched between a couple of classic early-period Bee Gees recordings, Barry Gibb unveiled a spirited new song during his 12-song set at the…
Tag: The Home Truth Song
Barry Gibb Unveils Autobiographical New Track: ‘The Home Truth Song’
Barry Gibb. Sandwiched between a couple of classic early-period Bee Gees recordings, Barry Gibb unveiled a spirited new song during his 12-song set at the Miami Beach Centennial concert last week. Following the soul of perhaps the most covered Gibb song To Love Somebody* and before the Beatle-esque foot-stamper Lonely Days, Barry inserted a track…